Hidden Figures The American Dream And The Untold Story Of The Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win The Space Race

By: Margot Lee Shetterly

ISBN 10 : 134524055
Price : 108.33

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For Introduction to Educational Psychology courses.

This package includes MyLab™ Education with the Enhanced Pearson eText and the loose-leaf version


The intellectual grounding and practical strategies tomorrow’s teachers need to be effective instructors.


Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice offers complete, up-to-date information that is presented in readable, practical ways and illustrated with engaging examples and case studies. Embedded videos and interactive activities in the Enhanced Pearson eText in MyLab Education further illustrate key concepts and facilitate application. The text makes the connection between theory and practice explicit, helping students transfer what they learn to their own teaching. The Twelfth Edition reflects ongoing changes in our learning sciences that continue to transform educational psychology and teaching, incorporating new research and practical applications of many contemporary topics. 


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MyLab Education is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students see key concepts demonstrated through real classroom video footage, practice what they learn, test their understanding, and receive feedback to guide their learning and ensure they master key learning outcomes.

0134524055 / 9780134524054 Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice with MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText, Loose-Leaf Version -- Access Card Package

Package consists of:  

  • 0134524225 / 9780134524221 MyLab Education with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice     
  • 0134524284 / 9780134524283 Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice, Loose-Leaf Version